Holiday Safety

Holiday Safety
The holidays are a special time of year when friends and families come together to celebrate the season. It is also a time of year when everyone is most generous with gift giving.
Unfortunately, burglars view the holiday season as an opportunity to burglarize your home for cash, credit cards, your new gifts, small electronics, computers, cameras, jewellery and other items that can easily be sold.

Please follow these security tips to keep you and your home safe and secure over the holiday season:

1) If you have a security system, please activate it when you are away and while sleeping. 
2)   If you  will be out of town  over the holidays, cancel your newspaper and arrange for a neighbor to collect mail and packages that arrive for you.
3)   Invest in buying timers for a few lights in separate rooms throughout your home to keep the interior well lit and seemingly occupied from 6-12pm.
4) Have a neighbor remove all snow from walkways and driveways while you’re away. If this is not possible, have a friend put tire tracks in your driveway to make it appear that someone is there.
5) Have a friend move your car occasionally if it is parked in the driveway.
6)   Take care when disposing of product packaging, so that you aren’t “advertising” recent, high-dollar purchases or gifts.
7) Trim shrubs so a robber or activity in the home can be clearly visible from the street. 
8) Keep your doors locked and invest in good deadbolt locks.
9) Keep your garage door closed when not in use so you are not displaying  the contents. 
10)When you are changing the battery in your smoke alarm, remember to change the password on your computer. Use a creative password that no one will easily guess.
11) Try to make your home look inhabited. Keep your television turned on or a radio on a talk station.
12) Keep your drapes closed at night.
13) Since Christmas is the giving season, you may receive more offers to donate to charities. Many scam artists create fake charities over the festive season knowing that people are more susceptible at this time. Only give to reputable charities or those you have personable knowledge.
14) If you are shopping, don't overburden yourself with  packages and bags when walking or  going to your car.

Remember to always lock your vehicle and keep bags and parcels locked in the trunk. If you drive an SUV or a hatchback, do your best to conceal your shopping purchases and anything of value.

Use common sense. Don't become a victim of crime by providing opportunities for criminals to make you their target. Enjoy the holidays knowing that you have done your best to safeguard your home and family.

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